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Monday, January 4, 2010

The First Day

Do you vividly remember the first day you go to school? May it be in the kindergarten, or Standard 1, we must admit that there’s this looming, dreadful fear. What if mummy or daddy leaves and forgets to fetch me? What if some boy calls me names? What if my teacher scolds me for wetting my pants?

Four of my children reacted differently on their first few days of school. Emerson decided to flee when we got down the nearby school parking lot. Evans was cool about the whole thing. A tearful Estelle had to be consoled and carried around the school premise. Elgin was rather quiet at first but admitted that he had 2 tearful episodes after that.

No matter what the reaction was, I thank God that He gave them the courage to face it.

Remember to praise your child today that he or she has been so brave in facing this first day – the day that will mark a difference for the rest of the year 2010.

Blessed New Year 2010!

Joshua 1:9 – Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.